About Organizational Soul

bigstockphoto_Corporate_BuiYour organization has a soul. Together, your employees reflect its soul through cultural norms, social systems, and structures like your policies and procedures. When the soul of your organization is healthy, it is a dynamic, vibrant, evolving and empowered entity.  Employees are engaged, productive and inspired. As with your people, the soul of your organization longs to tap into and remain connected with its true brilliance.

At Organizational Soul, we support companies, non-profit organizations and government agencies in the areas of organizational development and effectiveness. We collaborate with executives and boards to bring about meaningful transformation.

We understand unpredictability is the new norm. Our proprietary model, Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance provides executives and business owners with a framework designed to enhance organizational effectiveness and performance.

The framework is a value based model that focuses decision-makers on people development, building stronger team networks, enhancing the operational structure and keeping organizations in balance. It provides organizational leaders with modern tools they can use to solve increasingly complex business challenges, while enhancing the life span of the organization.